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Some of the latest batch of buttons and studs added to website today #antiquebuttons #glassbuttons #realisticbutton #birdbutton #bachelorbutton #victorianbutton

Vintage ladies cufflinks just added to website #ladiescufflink #turqoise #turqoiseglass

Fritz Lamplight blue glass buttons just added to website #fritzlampl #orplidglass #vintagebuttons #glassbuttons

Red and gold shades of autumn - some of the buttons added to the website today #antiquebuttons #vintagebuttons #glassbuttons #autumn

Some more lovely old buttons added to website today #antiquebuttons #antiquemotherofpearl #enamelbuttons

Some of the pretty antique buttons listed on the website today #antiquebuttons #vintagebuttonsforsale

Part of the next batch of antique buttons added to website today #antiquebuttons #vintagebuttons #glassbuttons #pastebutton #enamelbutton

Some of the vintage and antique buttons listed today on the website #antiquebuttons #vintagebuttons #pastebutton #paintedmetalbutton

Collection of lovely colourful vintage metal buttons- painted or enamelled - c.1900. To be added to the website soon #vintagebuttons #metalbuttons #paintedbuttons #victorianbuttons

Pearsall’s Bobbin Floss - can anyone tell me if this is real silk or artificial silk? Looks and feels like silk but I’m not sure. Wooden reel approx 2” or 5 cm tall

Sorting out some Austrian Tinies - some to be listed on website and some to keep! #austriantinies #victorianbuttons #smallbuttons #antiquebittons

Gorgeous boxed set of English silver buttons just listed on the website #silverbuttons #boxedset #hallmarked #fourleafclover

More buttons added to today. Seems to be a pink and peach theme #vintagebuttons #antiquebuttons #pinkbuttons #peachbuttons #glassbuttons